Designing and hosting websites for friends, neighbours and not-for-profit organizations is a hobby I enjoyed for over 25 years.

Website design has advanced considerably since my first award winning, hand coded site for Haldane Elementary School back in 1996.  This winner of the Vancouver Province SuperSite award is built with Frames and features an original Java Script Navigation Slider. (See Portfolio > Early Projects)

Keeping up with the latest trends in web design became a real challenge. To a large extent, this was due to the increasing trend toward the use of tablets and smartphones to browse the web. I eventually adopted the “Mobile First” approach in web design using the very capable Bootstrap Framework (Developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter. Originally named Twitter Blueprint).

In March 2016 I became a member and webmaster for Kamloops Photo Arts Club. This resulted in a new appreciation of the WordPress platform for web design which led me to a new project …

CanWebPromotions (Assisted WordPress Hosting)

Through this new platform I provide WordPress optimized, independent, secure (SSL) cPanel hosting accounts on new, state-of-the-art servers at CanSpace Solutions in Montreal CA.

I assisted with all aspects of site development and backend support including: domain management, cPanel, WordPress (install/setup) & theme (install/setup). The client becomes the Web Content Manager for their own website while I, as Site Administrator, continue to monitor regular backups and updates, and provide ongoing assistance as needed.

I provided site security via private SSL Certificates under my private IP address. Hosting plans included a number of premium features such as a choice of Genesis and Imagely products (Nextgen Plus/Pro & Imagely Themes) along with other premium plugins which may include UpdraftPlus for automatic, off-site backups.

For the record: I am a proud Canadian! My domain registrars and hosting platforms are with NamesPro (Vancouver), and CanSpace Solutions (Montreal).

FYI Learn More: What is WordPress? | Understanding WordPress.